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Home » Tutorial » Lynda Beginning Blues Keyboard TUTORiAL
Lynda Beginning Blues Keyboard TUTORiAL

P2P | 27 FEBRUARY 2017 | 313 MB
Links update: 18/05/2019

Learn how to play blues piano. In this course, Tricia Woods dives into the basic building blocks of blues, and helps you acquire the skills you need to really sound like a blues player. To begin, Tricia demonstrates the chord progressions for the 12-bar blues—the most classic of all blues forms. Next, she discusses the blues scale, dominant chords, comping, turnaround, endings, introductions, boogie-woogie bass lines, and more.

Topics include:

* Labeling the chord and triads
* Triad inversions
* The blues scale and the major pentatonic scale
* Playing off the dominant chord and dominant bass line
* Dominant chord inversions
* Playing off the triad
* Blues fills
* Turnarounds
* Endings and introductions
* Boogie-woogie bass lines
* Cycle of 5ths and the 6th chord

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 934 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Beginning, Lynda, tutorial, Blues, keyboard | Rating: 0.0/0
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