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Home » Tutorial » Lynda Blues Guitar Learn to Play By Steve Trovato TUTORiAL
Lynda Blues Guitar Learn to Play By Steve Trovato TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 2.58 GB
Links update: 05/07/2023

Blues rhythm guitar is an integral part of the blues. Essentially, it's what guitarists do between solos—which ends up being a substantial portion of any gig. It helps you find your groove with the rhythm section. In this course, follow Steve Trovato as he shows how to play blues rhythm guitar. Although the blues is a somewhat unstructured discipline that welcomes riffing and personal interpretation, the 50+ examples that Steve provides are presented in a structured, easy-to-follow manner, so it's easier for you to learn from them. Each example has a four-measure intro, or turnaround, which gives you four measures to figure out the tempo and the feel of the tune before you start playing.

Topics include:

* Tuning
* The medium shuffle
* Straight eighths
* The blues/rock shuffle
* Uptown/jump blues
* Slow blues
* Mambo blues
* Practicing techniques such as slides, bending, vibrato, and the trill and the rake
* Funky straight eighths
* Blues rock

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1032 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Lynda, Trovato, play, by, Steve, to, tutorial, Guitar, Blues, Learn | Rating: 0.0/0
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