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Home » WiN » King OZ DSPplug silverhawk v1.5 RETAiL x86 x64
King OZ DSPplug silverhawk v1.5 RETAiL x86 x64

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The DSPplug silverhawk is hands down one of the fastest, most reliable EQ's on the market. It's designed to be good looking and to emulate some of the most popular hardware ever designed. The silverhawk is also only sold on KVRaudio and DSPplug.

Often people overlook mono, not realizing that most samples employ a technique called Lauridsen mono to stereo which frankly ruins the sound and causes phase that gets out of hand. The silverhawk automatically gets rid of this phenomenon, allowing you to responsibly use a similar effect.

Now both Mono and stereo!

With good looks and smoking fast articulation, Silverhawk will make your project soar to new heights, with a smooth colour that gives new definition to the phrase high definition.

+ V1.0: Previous Alpha version
+ V1.1: Alpha version
+ V1.2: Beta version
+ V1.3: Release
+ V1.4: Updated to support both mono and stereo
+ V1.5: Improved Acoustica mixcraft 9 support
+ V1.5: Added Silverhawk limiter

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Category: WiN | Views: 296 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: x86, silverhawk, x64, KING, Oz, DSPplug, v1.5, retail | Rating: 0.0/0
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