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Home » WiN » King OZ DSPplug boardstation v2.2 RETAiL x86 x64
King OZ DSPplug boardstation v2.2 RETAiL x86 x64

WIN | 17.8MB

The DSPplug boardstation is a great EQ for mastering without a lot of clunky controls. Simply 40 bands of automate-able, fast operating bands that will help you in the simplest most convenient way.

Sometimes more control means less controls.

V 1.0: Initial release
V 1.1: Critical update
V 1.2: Added Acoustica Mixcraft support
V 1.3: Updated GUI.
V 1.4: Critical Updates, Updated Analyzer (more additions soon), improved soundforge compatibility.
V 1.5: Replaced analyzer for efficiency, added analyzer dB gauges (improved tomorrow).
V 1.6: Improved CPU usage by 1%, perfected no-noise operation, fixed preset count bug.
V 1.7: Perfected Acoustica Mixcraft 9 support.
V 1.7: (sub version) Added horizontal controls for IN and OUT gain in the ++ version.
V 1.8: (remake) Merged standard and ++ version (please rename file to VSTplug boardstation [or ++] to use old presets).
V 1.9: Changed Look back to something similar to original due to customer request. Changed the way ceiling limiter works to also reflect more standard limiting; up to 20 dBFS.
V 2.0: Making progress removing un-necessary math, now faster and more nimble; better speed and smoother controls coming for version 2.1. Fixed website dual window popup bug.
V 2.1: Attempted speed improvements, streamlined various graphic components, added more frames to the controls to make the action smoother.
V 2.2: Bug fix - Fixed drop down menu reactions, now about does not turn off analyzer. Improved look and feel of credits.

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Category: WiN | Views: 318 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: DSPplug, x64, boardstation, Oz, v2.2, KING, x86, retail | Rating: 0.0/0
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