KeepForest Vikings Expansion Metal Cinematic Toolkit v1.1 KONTAKT

Team SYNTHiC4TE | 11.55 GB
Links update: 08/08/2020
Keepforest's Vikings Cinematic Metal Toolkit consists of powerful cinematic metal instruments for your compositions. This expansion is inspired by Doom soundtrack written by Mick Gordon.
With the participation of professional musicians, sound designers, sound engineers, we recorded strings, percussions, guitars, basses and many more instruments. We literally played and experimented in the world of sounds, creating the library’s uniqueness and signature.
As the name Vikings, our library is inspired by the Scandinavian world and mythology, which have always had an important place in the movie industry, the vibe of which can be heard in the Guy Ritchie’s masterpiece King Arthur or in the extremely successful Game of Thrones. Surprisingly, we could not find a true and complete samples library on the market, dedicated to this genre. Having a clear vision in our minds, we decided take the opportunity and started the recording process of Vikings in January, 2017.
Vikings Series includes :
3 Cinematic Metal Guitars
3 Drum Kits
3 Bass Guitars
30 Metal Riffs
Beat Machine
Vikings Series Free 1.1 Update!
We are proud to present to you a massive update of our Vikings Series sample libraries. About 2 GB of new samples. New instruments that were created and designed from scratch. New engine options and features, engine bug corrections and modifications.
What's new?
Vikings Cinematic Punk Folk:
Pulse Designer Modifications
FX Rack Modifications
All pulses patches modifications
Known bugs have been fixed
Vikings Metal Expansion:
Pulse Designer Modifications
FX Rack Modifications
All pulses patches modifications
Guitar Engine Modifications
New synth instruments added
Two new drums kits
Known bugs have been fixed
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