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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » Keepforest AizerX SFX Designer Toolkit v2.0 KONTAKT
Keepforest AizerX SFX Designer Toolkit v2.0 KONTAKT


AizerX SFX Designer Toolkit is coming back with a big update. Completely reimagined version of AizerX SFX Designer Toolkit that will help you enjoy your experience even more.

The main feature of AizerX SFX Designer Toolkit is the sample randomization for creating absolutely unique and authentic sound effects with just one click, thanks to the fully-customizable hybrid custom sound effects designed by Keepforest, including braaams, whooshes, benders, alarms, signals, downers, risers, motions, noises, booms, hits.
Like all the previous releases, the Keepforest team put their heart and soul to create impressive Hollywood-level sound effects for your projects from the recording of source materials to the finished product to make sure that music composers from all over the world will have in their hand a cinematic sound library of the highest quality.
What's new in AizerX SFX Designer Toolkit v2.0:
- Refined and optimized AizerX engine for stable and smooth workflow;
- Redesigned minimalistic modern interface;
- Remastered samples and new content added;
- New stretching feature for playable instruments;
- Classic patches.

SOUND DESIGN ELEMENTS ( 48 Playble Patches and 1723 Waves samples)

522 Hits & Elemets:
- 29 Trailer Hits
- 47 Organic Classic Hits
- 16 Organic Soft Hits
- 43 Hybrid Hits
- 27 Short Hits
- 37 Punch + Tail
- 39 Kicks
- 61 Booms
- 28 Body Booms
- 47 ReverbTails
- 54 RR Reverb Tails 2
- 47 Transients
- 47 Transients 2

228 Whooshes:
- 32 Trailer Whooshes
- 43 Organic Whooshes
- 42 Organic Whooshes Part 2
- 51 Modern Whooshes
- 37 Hybrid Whooshes

278 Transitions:
- 29 Organic
- 49 Metal
- 6 Electric
- 32 Impact
- 28 Insect
- 48 Motion Part 1
- 47 Motion Part 2
- 8 Voicy
- 31 Other

141 Braams:
- 41 Distorted
- 41 Distorted Part 2
- 12 Hybrid
- 20 Specific
- 27 Tense & Horror

432 Signals:
- 39 String FX
- 37 Signals & Pings
- 37 Signals & Pings 2
- 41 Signals & Pings 3
- 60 Signature
- 15 Ambient Tails
- 40 Atmospheric Part 1
- 39 Atmospheric Part 2
- 27 Guitar
- 37 Specific 1
- 37 Specific 2
- 23 Specific 3

122 Downers:
- 21 High Downers Layers
- 48 Low Downers Layers
- 19 Mid Downers Layers
- 34 Specific Downers Layers

FULL VERSION of Native Instrument’s KONTAKT 6.0.2 or higher is required!

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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 392 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: KeepForest, Designer, SFX, v2.0, Kontakt, AizerX, Toolkit | Rating: 0.0/0
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