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Groove3 Exponential Audio Stratus Explained TUTORiAL


Studio guru Eli Krantzberg delivers an in-depth Exponential Audio Stratus video tutorial series! Let Eli show what every feature and function does on this powerful reverb plug-in, including it's 3D surround capabilities and more! These videos are designed for new Exponential Audio Stratus users.

Eli welcomes you and then jumps right in, showing you how to navigate the Stratus factory presets using keywords, keyboard shortcuts, and boolean searches. You'll then see how to store your presets by creating and assigning custom keywords, as well as how to store, replace, delete, import, and export, your own user presets.

Next, you'll learn all about Status' basic controls, input and output filtering capabilities, and how to utilize its early reflection parameters, which controls the initial sound that arrives back at the listener after being reflected off of the surfaces in the listening environment. Eli then explains how the reverb attack and reverb tail controls work, as well as how to use the powerful Warp function to tailor the envelope of the reverb around the source material.

Last but not least, Eli shows you how to use Multi-Channel Audio within Stratus 3D, including its Surround and 3D controls, the sub formats available, and how the early reflections, reverb tail, and delay are scaled for each of the available channels.

To see what these detailed Exponential Audio Stratus tutorials show you, and how they'll help you to understand Stratus and use it effectively, see the individual Exponential Audio Stratus video tutorial descriptions on this page. If you're new to using Exponential Audio Stratus, these are the perfect videos to check out... Watch “Exponential Audio Stratus Explained®" today!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 519 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Explained, tutorial, Audio, Stratus, Exponential, Groove3 | Rating: 0.0/0
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