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Groove3 Digital Performer 10 Recording and Editing Audio Explained TUTORiAL


Gary Hiebner brings you Digital Performer videos on recording and editing audio! Learn the important basics plus more advanced techniques so you'll be ready to record and edit anything that comes at you. These Digital Performer tutorials are for those just starting out with DP, as well as for more intermediate Digital Performer users.

Gary starts with videos on setting up your audio system, using Bundles when routing, and the different audio tracks available and how to create them. Next, you'll see how to set up your project tempo and create a click track so you can record in time, followed by how to import existing audio tracks into your project, and then record new tracks.

Throughout the rest of the Digital Performer video tutorials, you'll learn how to easily navigate through your tracks, use the different audio editing tools, keyboard shortcuts, recording to multiple tracks at once, punch-in recording, comping different takes into one perfect take, and using the waveform editor for surgical editing.

Gary continues on with even more videos covering topics such as using beat detection, time stretching your audio, quantizing your audio so it has a groovy feel, editing your audio track's pitch, using clips and much, much more.

To see what these Digital Performer tutorials show you and how they will help you get going fast when working with audio in DP10, see the individual Digital Performer tutorial descriptions on this page. If you're ready to start recording and editing audio in Digital Performer, this collection of Digital Performer videos are just for you... Start recording with Digital Performer, watch “Digital Performer 10: Recording & Editing Audio Explained®" today!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 649 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: recording, 10, Explained, Groove3, editing, Performer, Audio, tutorial, digital, and | Rating: 0.0/0
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