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Home » Tutorial » Groove3 EQ Explained TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE
Groove3 EQ Explained TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE
Team SYNTHiC4TE | 01 March 2013 | 541.27 MB
Links update: 29/01/2019
Equalization or "EQ" as it's commonly referred to, is the most basic, but important effect you'll apply to your tracks and recordings. But do you really know how to effectively use it, or better yet, how to not use it? Well, Eli Krantzberg is back yet again with another truly awesome product, "EQ Explained".
Eli starts at the beginning, with the frequency spectrum and the important relationship between frequencies, musical pitches, and harmonics. Next are filters and how they work and interact with your sound. Eli then demystifies Low & Hi Pass Filters, Band Pass & Reject Filters, Shelving EQ, Graphic Equalizers and Parametric EQ's. Eli wraps up the first category with priceless tips, strategies and creative ways to use Spectral and EQ Matching plug-ins.
Eli continues with a category called "EQ in Action" where he shows you how good EQ begins with proper mic placement when recording acoustic and electric guitars, vocals and drums. He then continues by demonstrating how EQ is used within a mix to separate instruments in similar tonal ranges, and blend others. And finally, how to listen and compare sections of a song with and without EQ and how to use Linear Phase EQ for subtle, broad strokes on a finished stereo mix.
The practice of using EQ is one that you can never know enough about. Even if you have some experience using EQ, it's a great idea to learn other approaches for using it. So dig in and learn to sculpt your sound like a true sonic artist... Get "EQ Explained" today.
Product Hightlights:
18 Tutorials / Over 3 Hours Total Runtime
For all beginner to intermediate mixers, engineers and producers
Information applies to any EQ plug-in or hardware unit
Tutorials written by studio master Eli Krantzberg
Simple to use video control interface for Mac & PC
Watch Online, Download, Stream to iPad, iPhone & iPod

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1413 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: TUTORIAL-SYNTHiC4TE, Explained, EQ, Groove3 | Rating: 0.0/0
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