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Groove3 UAD UA 610 Tube Preamp & EQ Collection Explained TUTORiAL

Team SYNTHiC4TE | 227.96 MB
Links update: 01/06/2023


Universal Audio’s 610 Tube Preamp & EQ have been one of the most sought after preamps since the early 60s, and studio guru Brock Jon shows you how you can get that classic sound with the UAD emulation!

Beginning with a historical overview of just how widely used both the original and current production versions of the UA 610 are, Brock dives first into the Preamp, then the EQ Controls, of the UA 610 A & B plug-ins. He also explains what each individual control does and how they all work together.

The next videos offer in-depth information on how to use the various plug-ins on different types of source material. He starts by applying the 610 to Drums, then to Bass Synths. Brock now shows you how to get the most out of the 610 A & B on Strings, Synths, And Vocals. Finally, he uses the 610A & B on the Master Buss to add that extra girth and sparkle.

If you’re an experienced UA610 user looking for some new insight or a new UAD user looking for a unique creative tool, watch “UAD UA 610 Tube Preamp & EQ Collection Explained” today and reap the rewards of this industry-standard, classic piece of gear!

Note: This series features the song “Enemy” by Cavalier King recorded by Scott Fritz at Stranded on a Planet.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1736 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: ua, Explained, Collection, UAD, Preamp, 610, tutorial, Tube, EQ, Groove3 | Rating: 0.0/0
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