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Groove3 Beginner’s Guide to Mastering with Ableton Live TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 178.07 MB
Links update: 18/07/2020

Adam Pollard aka Multiplier, delivers a mastering video tutorial series designed for the beginner, covering the important topics needed to master your music in Ableton Live! Learn the basic principles and terminologies, as well as specific steps to take to get great sounding master files that you can publish to the world.

Adam welcomes you and then goes over what mastering actually is, followed by quite possibly the most important aspect of mastering, limiting. You'll then see how to properly set your limiter and how loud you should actually make it.

Throughout the rest of the series you'll explore topics such as setting sub bass and kick drum levels, using EQ to tonally balance your master mix, and why you should do mastering as a separate step. You'll also learn about export options & file types, headroom for MP3 conversion, and what Metadata is and how to use it.

Rounding it all out, Adam then goes into topics such as DC Offset, when it is OK and not OK to go "into the red" in your level meters, how to Look at Mastering Chains / Racks and much more.

See the individual tutorial descriptions for more info. If you use Ableton Live and are now ready to get into mastering your songs and productions, this series will get you well on your way... Watch "Beginner's Guide to Mastering with Ableton Live" today.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 801 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: with, tutorial, Beginner’s, to, Groove3, Ableton, Mastering, live, Guide | Rating: 0.0/0
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