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Groove3 Ableton Live Beginners Guide to Beat Making TUTORiAL

Team SYNTHiC4TE | 362.26 MB
Links update: 24/11/2020

Thomas Cochran shows you how to make your very first beat with Ableton Live! See how to produce your first beat from scratch, using nothing but Ableton Live, including software installation and understanding Live's layout, all the way to exporting your finished beat and more. This series is designed for the absolute newcomer to Ableton Live.

Thomas first starts with the steps to install Ableton Live on your computer, followed by a detailed overview of Ableton Live's layout. Next, you'll see how to set your song's tempo and how to configure your MIDI controller and audio interface with Live, including basic routing practices.

Now on to the fun stuff! Thomas shows you step by step how to add and program your drum sounds to make the backbone of your beat, followed by how to write melodic parts using chords, bass and lead sounds. Then it's on to arranging your song structure, adding transition effects, mixing your tracks, using automation to fine tune your effects, and exporting your first beat to share with the world, and more!

To see what these Ableton Live beat making videos show you and how they'll help you to make your first beat with Ableton Live, see the individual Ableton Live beat making tutorial descriptions on this page. If you're ready to get started on becoming a producer and make your first song, this series of Live beat making videos will get you started on your journey... Watch “Ableton Live: Beginner's Guide to Beat Making" today.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 770 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: beat, Guide, to, Making, Ableton, tutorial, Groove3, beginners, live | Rating: 0.0/0
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