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Home » WiN » Eiosis E2Deesser v1.0.3.1 WIN
Eiosis E2Deesser v1.0.3.1 WIN

AudioUTOPiA | 83.1 MB
Links update: 26/02/2020

We designed the e2deesser to be extremely easy to use for musicians and audio enthusiasts, along with the versatility, power and reliability required by the most demanding mixing and post production engineers.

Your ultimate De-essing tool

The e2deesser is very simple to use with its two main parameters, Sensitivity and Amount, and by adding great sounding, unique and innovative fine adjustments, by giving access to precise sound sculpting options, we combined the best visual feedback with the most advanced audio processing in one beautiful interface.

The e2deesser meets all the demands of the simplest to the most advanced de-essing tasks: it is your ultimate de-essing tool.

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Category: WiN | Views: 1692 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: win, E2Deesser, v1.0.3.1, Eiosis | Rating: 0.0/0
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