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Eiosis AirEQ Premium v1.1.2.12 WIN

Team AudioUTOPiA | 180 MB
Links update: 15/12/2020

AirEQ, Beyond Analog

AirEQ was designed with a vision of achieving musical, technical and sonic excellence.

Simple, intuitive and quick to use, AirEQ is a musical equalizer plugin at its best.

The Water and Fire curves, as the Character and Strength parameters were adjusted by ear, so mixing engineers can focus on one thing - making music sound great.

With its unprecedented Character and Strength parameters, Air and Earth, ease of use, intuitive and musical features, AirEQ is an equalizer which is truly unique in design.

Additionally, with its transparent and precise sound, zero-delay processing and low CPU, you will always get the best quality processing without any compromise.

That's why AirEQ is ideal for Mastering, Mixing, Post-Production, and any situation where getting the best musical EQ sound, fastest performance, and intuitive workflow is of the utmost

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Category: WiN | Views: 1388 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: win, v1.1.2.12, AirEQ, Premium, Eiosis | Rating: 0.0/0
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