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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Cakewalk CA-2A Leveling Amplifier v2.0 WiN OSX-AiR
Cakewalk CA-2A Leveling Amplifier v2.0 WiN OSX-AiR
Team AiR | 29.13 MB
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Faithfully modeled after one of the most sought after studio compressors in history, the CA-2A T-Type Leveling Amplifier puts the silky, smooth sound of this highly desirable unit right into any VST or AU-compatible DAW.
-Meticulously modeled
-Zero latency for real-time tracking and mixing
-Up to 40dB of smooth, transparent gain reduction
-Frequency dependent compression
-Program dependent attack/release
-Fully modeled "R37" HF Pre-emphasis control
-Dual photocell reset modes (Classic & Fast Reset)
-Use side-chain compression for ducking, pumping, and more
-Windows:ProChannel, VST2.4, VST3 / OS X: AU, VST3

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 2556 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: win, v2.0, CA-2A, Leveling, Cakewalk, OSX-AiR, Amplifier | Rating: 0.0/0
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