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Home » WiN » Cakewalk CA-2A Leveling Amplifier v2.0.1.112 Incl Keygen
Cakewalk CA-2A Leveling Amplifier v2.0.1.112 Incl Keygen

Team R2R | 7.6 MB
Links update: 07/04/2020

Faithfully modeled after one of the most sought after studio compressors in history, the CA-2A T-Type Leveling Amplifier puts the silky, smooth sound of this highly desirable unit right into any VST or AU-compatible DAW.

Level the playing field

Since the 1960s, professional engineers have relied on the unique characteristics of this electro-optical tube-based compressor to work its magic on all kinds of sources, including guitars, bass, pads, and especially vocals. Previously only available to big studios that could afford these all tube units, the CA-2A T-Type Leveling Amplifier lets you wield this legendary sonic weapon in your own studio, on your own tracks. With only a few simple controls, it’s easy to use and provides instant gratification with professional results. It features native x64 operation, zero latency performance, and 64-bit double precision audio fidelity. Get the kind of smooth, warm sound heard on so many classic recordings, at a fraction of the cost and with modern convenience.
Modeled to a T

The characteristic sound of the original hardware unit is a result of both its tube design and the famous T4 circuitry – and the CA-2A T-Type Leveling Amplifier meticulously models both. The T4 circuit is made up of an electroluminescent panel partnered with and an optical photocell that, together, determine the the attack and release time - all based on incoming program material. The four tubes in the original hardware unit were also carefully modeled giving the CA-2A its warm character. The tubes slightly change the shape of the signal, adding even and odd harmonics based on the frequency of the incoming program material. We even went so far as to model the user-adjustable “R37” screw on the original unit. Turning the R37 screw controls how much compression is applied to high-frequency content, such as vocal sibilance. Every detail of the original hardware has been carefully considered and incorporated into this stunning software model.
Smooth Operator


Meticulously modeled
Zero latency for real-time tracking and mixing
Up to 40dB of smooth, transparent gain reduction
Frequency dependent compression
Program dependent attack/release
Fully modeled "R37" HF Pre-emphasis control
Dual photocell reset modes (Classic & Fast Reset)
Use side-chain compression for ducking, pumping, and more
Windows: ProChannel, VST2.4, VST3, AAX and ProChannel Module / OS X: VST3, AAX, AU

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Category: WiN | Views: 1279 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Leveling, Keygen, Amplifier, v2.0.1.112, CA-2A, Cakewalk, Incl | Rating: 0.0/0
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