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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Auburn Sounds Renegate v1.0.0 [WiN-OSX-LiNUX] RETAiL
Auburn Sounds Renegate v1.0.0 [WiN-OSX-LiNUX] RETAiL


RENEGATE is simply just a full-band Gate plug-in.

It has an always smooth, natural sound, and is quick to operate.

RENEGATE radically simplifies gating.
But surface-level simplicity is only possible because it's complicated on the inside:

Program-dependent hysteresis automatically captures the desired phenomenon.
Builtin Look-Ahead lets you hit the transient 100% of the time.
Program-Dependent Auto-Release
Expensive 43 bands psychoacoustic auditory model for State-of-the-Art envelope detection.
Such a refined but quick gating experience is for free, in RENEGATE FREE.

RENEGATE FULL also features:

Alternative ways to apply Gain Reduction, namely with a 1-pole lowpass or highpass (Full Edition only)
Oversampling (Full Edition only)
Built-in Sequencer (Full Edition only)
Raw knob to get back digital grit if needed (Full Edition only)
That all makes RENEGATE a workhorse plug-in for all your creative (or boring) gating needs.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 407 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Auburn, v1.0.0, WiN-OSX-Linux, sounds, retail, Renegate | Rating: 0.0/0
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