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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Auburn Sounds Couture v1.3 [WiN-OSX-LiNUX] RETAiL
Auburn Sounds Couture v1.3 [WiN-OSX-LiNUX] RETAiL


Couture gives you exquisite control over your dynamics, and particularly attacks.

Raw Efficiency. Increase or decrease dynamics. Get a usable result, now.

Fully Volume-independent. Keep the freedom to change input gain when needed. Including the Saturation stage.

Laser-sharp. Couture's 2-bands, half-spectral, RMS, program-dependent detector finds each and every transient. No internal thresholds.

Couture is unusually versatile:

Make individual drum tracks a lot more dynamic and punchy
Remove the "click" out of a kick drum sample
Make a whole bus more or less dynamic in a single click
Give glue to a mix with light compression and saturation
Use a subtle saturation that preserve dynamics
Deess the very start of notes for vocals
Give life to inane lead synths
What's new in v1.3

Added Linux x86_64 support (LV2 / VST 2.4 / VST 3).
Added macOS 10.15 Catalina support.
Fix Panagement high CPU usage on stop.
Fix Couture Logic compatibility.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 544 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Couture, Auburn, WiN-OSX-Linux, retail, v1.3, sounds | Rating: 0.0/0
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