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Home » Sound Libraries » Arturia Rev PLATE-140 v1.5.0 Mac
Arturia Rev PLATE-140 v1.5.0 Mac

AU | VST | VST3 | AAX | 360 MB

Rev PLATE-140 Reborn plate reverb titan. The original 60s unit weighed more than 4 people, and cost more than a house, but now you can use an accurate recreation of this legendary, game-changing reverb without breaking the bank, or breaking your back. The silky-smooth, resonant tones of vintage plate reverbs have shaped the sound of many iconic vocal performance, given the drums of best-selling tracks their air, and brought whole mixes together with bright, sweet overtones.

Release notes:
June, 9 2022 | v1.5.0

New features:
A/B comparison function with independent history
SDK update: new preset browser, toolbars and menus design ; new FX icons

DSP preamp optimization
Faster project opening time
Faster preset loading time

Bug fixes:
Fixed crash in MacOS BigSur case sensitive

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 290 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Rev, Mac, v1.5.0, Arturia, PLATE-140 | Rating: 0.0/0
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