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Home » Mac OSX » Arturia Pigments v6.0.1.5484 U2B Mac
Arturia Pigments v6.0.1.5484 U2B Mac


Pigments Polychrome software synthesizer.

Pigments is a state-of-the-art software instrument that gives you the power of every shade of synthesis. With colorful, expressive sound engines, effortless modulation, professional utilities, and studio-grade FX, explore an infinite spectrum of sound. The fastest way to the sound in your head. Quickly craft the ultra-fat, hard-hitting, soul-stirring sounds you need with a software synthesizer that’s powerful, versatile, and easy to use.


Release Notes

V 6.0.1

New Features

New Modal Engine: Featuring two resonators algorithms and two multimode exciters

Sample Engine New features:
- New Granular Scan
- New Grain Size Continuous Ratio
- New Round Robin & Random sample assignation per Key or per gain
- BitCrush Decimate mode now allows to choose between 2 downsampling colors
- Sync All has been added to Density rate type

New Cluster Filter: From classic formant filtering to modern bass sound design

New LoFi Filter: Per voice downsampler coupled with pre and post filter

New revision of the Multifilter:
- Renamed Classic Filter
- Added Input Drive
- Added three All-pass filter modes
- New Analog resonance mode, which distorts the signal when resonance is high while preserving the low end

New Vocoder Effect: For color-bass sound design and hollow vocal sounds

Effects improvements:
- Multimode filter: Added All-pass filter type and analog resonance mode
- Distortion: Added All-pass filter type and analog resonance mode
- More parameters are now modulable
- StereoPan has been renamed “Panner” and a "Pan" parameter has been added

New Random modulator: Simple yet powerful and versatile random source

New Voice Modulator: A controlled source of randomness providing different modulation values per voice in the spirit of vintage synths

New Envelope follower: Tracks the amplitude of any point inside the signal path and turns it into a modulation

New Function V2:
- New preset browser
- New S-curve
- New Smooth parameter
- New grid mode
- Rework of the operation and retrig modes UX

New Browser for Samples, Wavetables and Noises:
- Factory samples and wavetables are now sorted into new categories
- User samples and wavetables are now separated from the factory content, under the Folders tab

Quick Edit V2: The quick edit workflow now supports the assignation and edition of sidechains using drag & drop and the Quick Edit pop-up

New Global Transpose section in Keyboard panel (octave and fine tune)

New Preset recommendation system allowing to suggest similar sounds from the library to the selected preset

Revamped filter selection pop-up

New Content:
- 100 Presets
- 53 Wavetables
- 97 Samples
- 60 Noises and Transients
- New tutorials


Sound Engine:
- Filters clicks have been reduced, particularly on digital filters
- Comb Filters algorithm is now smoother when tweaked and holds a better tuning in the high frequencies

- The interface style and layout have been refreshed and improved
- The interface and interactions of the keyboard panel has been improved
- The interface and interaction of the filters has been updated
- The UI and UX of the engine Tune and Output sections have been improved
- The sample engine playback visual feedback is now polyphonic
- The Distortion effect layout has been improved
- The LFO layout has been improved
- Improved parameters tooltips and descriptions

- The modulation assign mode now features a toggle on the sidechains
- Some default values have been changed

- Comb filter: no more clicks when changing modes
- Filters: no more clicks when swapping filters
- Amplitude Envelope’s parameters no longer produce noise when modulated
- FX Distortion no longer acts as a notch filter when doing parallel distortion
- Formant filter's Q Factor has now cleaner modulations
- Glide no longer jumps when Microtuning is enabled
- Sequencer / Arpeggiator : First step now plays correctly each time
- Fixed a bug where the interface was lagging with AMD GPUs
- Tooltips and descriptions: Typos and various fixes
- Various other GUI fixes

New Features
- Audio Engine:
- New multicore CPU optimization
- New generative sequencer featuring one-click sequence generation
- New Sequencer sequence browser & saveable presets
- New Sequencer playback modes
- Various Sequencer UX improvements
- New Utility Engine Audio Input mode
- New auxiliary effect bus routing
- New Wavetable Engine phase parameter
- New Features - GUI / Workflow:
- New Play view visualiser
- Various visualisers improvements
- Sequencer interface and workflow redesign
- Keyboard, Pitch and Mod wheels redesign
- Various UX improvements
- Pop-up windows redesign

New Content:
- New Factory Library & Expansions banks
- New Factory wavetables
- New Factory samples
- New Sequencer patterns
- New Sequencer classic and generative scales


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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 65 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: U2B, v6.0.1.5484, Pigments, Mac, Arturia | Rating: 0.0/0
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