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ADSR Courses Arturia Analog Lab V Features, Functions & Sound Design TUTORiAL


A Deep Dive into Arturia Analog Lab V
Discover the full potential of Arturia’s Analog Lab V – a software synth and sound library with thousands of vintage and modern sounds. Pro producer and educator, Paul Nolan leads this in-depth course that dives from the basics of the browser straight into sound design. With the right skills, Analog Lab V is a formidable tool for creating infinite orchestras of unique sounds.

Don’t miss the chance to discover new, endless possibilities for your music with Analog Lab V and ADSR.

Watch, Listen and Learn – our easy to follow video instruction walks you through Analog Lab V. Producer, Sound Designer and Educator, Paul Nolan works on a Melodic Techno track to showcase with plenty of practical sound design tips to make you a power user.

Over 1 hour of professional video instruction
Structured by sound types so you can easily find the right lesson and refer back to relevant sections in the weeks and months to come

6 in-depth lessons each giving a thorough walkthrough of sound selection and sound design with Analog Lab V
•Introduction to course
•Getting Started With Analog Lab V – Plugin Overview
•Reese Bass
•Stab Bass

Understand both theory & practice with an accomplished Producer and Mentor
Learn at your own pace, watch as many times as you need to learn the lessons

About Your Tutor
Sound Designer | Producter | Mentor

Paul Nolan has lived and breathed Electronic Music for more than two decades. Starting with his career at Cream, he has gone on to collaborate with some of the biggest names in the industry, such as Sasha, JunkieXL, Arthur Baker, and The Martinez Brothers.

In addition to being an Artist, DJ, Producer, and Sound Designer, Paul has dedicated his life to educating others. He has worked with prestigious institutions such as SAE Institute, SSR Manchester (now Spirit Studios), Point Blank, and many others, guiding the next generation of talent.

Paul is passionate about nurturing creative talent and helping you reach your full potential. He has has helped developed incredible talent including Daniel Avery, Massano, Four Candles, Cassine, and countless others.
With over 20 years of experience in the Electronic Music Industry and a track record of developing incredible talent, discover the benefits of having a true industry veteran like Paul Nolan as a mentor. Take the next step to achieve your personal artistic goals

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 337 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: lab, functions, Sound, Design, tutorial, Features, Analog, Arturia, ADSR, courses | Rating: 0.0/0
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