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30 Day Singer Performance Warmups with Abram TUTORiAL


Welcome to your performance warm-up tutorial. What can you expect to learn from this tutorial? A quick but comprehensive warm-routine that will reinforce proper technique and prepare your voice to be flexible and strong. To do this, we’ll use exercises that cover a wide range and move at a quicker pace.

Similar to our other warm-up tutorials, we’ll gradually increase difficulty by starting with breath & space in part 1.

Part 2, strength and tone, will help us eliminate tension and engage our body for a strong but relaxed sound.

And in part 3, speed & style, we’ll get the voice moving for any runs and big leaps you might sing on stage. Ready? First, take a few minutes to stretch out with some relaxed breaths, and we’ll get started!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 266 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: 30, Warmups, Performance, Day, with, tutorial, Singer, Abram | Rating: 0.0/0
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