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30 Day Singer Fixing Common Issues With Tone TUTORiAL


Welcome to Camille's tutorial on fixing common issues with tone! In this lesson Camille will cover some of the issues you may be encountering with your tone, and ways to deal with them. In order to deal with them, we need to get specific about exactly what we dislike in our sound.

This tutorial will be split up into three parts:

•Part 1 will cover a thin, or nasal tone
•Part 2 will cover a weak or breathy tone
•Part 3 will focus a shouty or unstable tone

Even if you don’t struggle with every specific issue, we encourage you to watch all three sections, because you’ll learn about your vocal tract, resonance, vowel shapes, and much more.

Get ready for the warmup in the next lesson!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 240 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: with, ISSUES, Fixing, common, Day, Singer, tutorial, 30, tone | Rating: 0.0/0
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