Ask Video Native Instruments 304: Maschine Virtuosity TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE
Team SYNTHiC4TE | 11 Feb 2013 | 765.50 MB
Links update: 21/05/2017
Watching Jeremy Ellis demonstrate his legendary finger drumming techniques on Native Instruments’ amazing Maschine is like throwing gasoline on a fire... the result is very, very hot! Learn the secrets of drum pad performance in this exclusive course from the world’s foremost finger drumming virtuoso...
Groove 3 Ear Training Explained Intervals TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE
Team SYNTHiC4TE | 417.40 MB
Links update: 12/07/2019
Have you ever heard a song or a riff and had a hard time remembering how it went later? Do you wish you could easily pick out the notes in a instrument solo or a vocal passage? Well, Doug Zangar is back with an amazing title that will enable you to do all of these things and more.
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Music Tech Focus - Issue 27 Mastering Volume 4 DVD Contents + PDF
DVD Contents + PDF | 3.81 GB + 95.31 MB
Links update: 29/08/2022
Featuring 132 pages of pro mastering tips and tricks, this special issue of Music Tech Focus has got mastering tutorials for every major music production DAW, including Pro Tools, Cubase, Live, Logic and Reason, so whatever your core software, there is something for you. On top of this there are videos from the pros demo’ing their techniques, in-depth workshops on the major production processes, plus super-quick guides to some of the more creative techniques available.
Computer Music CM187 Tom Middleton Producer Masterclass
Producer Masterclass | 582.26 MB
Links update: 25/11/2022
The genre-swapping legend talks early influences and remixes a track before your eyes
Computer Music - CM183 - Arkist - Producer Masterclass | 302.07 MB
How he made his bass music chiller Fill Your Coffee - watch him at work in the studio!
Rob Papen Secrets Of Subtractive Synthesis Ebook
Ebook | 331.38 MB
Links update: 30/05/2019
Rob Papen is a globally renowned sound designer whose sounds and virtual synthesizers are used and loved by many synthesizer players and music producers.
| Spectrasonics Omnisphere TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE
Team SYNTHiC4TE | 944.86 MB
Links update: 28/04/2024
Want to learn how one of the most powerful synths on the market really works? This three and a half hour set of tutorials takes you from the very beginning right through to advanced sound design, explaining all of the synthesizing technology and features included in this cutting-edge instrument. The course delves into all the main stages of subtractive synthesis, covering the oscillators, filters, modulators and FX Rack. A third of the modules are also spent showing how to create different presets, combining all of the techniques into some useful, practical examples to help students put everything into context.
Future Music Issue 261 DVD Content | 3.09 GB
Future Music delivers the technique and technology behind the hits. Packed with inspiration for today’s modern musician there’s reviews of hot new gear, tons of tutorials to help you get the most out of your hardware and software, and exclusive In The Studio features where the stars take apart their tracks.
Dance Music Production Remixing DVD TUTORiAL
TUTORiAL | 4.89 GB
Links update: 28/04/2024
Tutorial Runtime: 6:54:59
This course focuses on the methods and production techniques behind writing, engineering and producing a professional remix for club and radio airplay.
Elephorm – Apprendre Ableton Live 8 TUTORiAL
Links update: 03/04/2017
Français | 17 H 03 Min
Formez vous à Ableton Live 8 avec un spécialiste de l’audionumérique, votre elephormateur Agni Akkitham certifié Ableton. Elephorm vous propose à travers ce tutoriel vidéo compatible Mac/PC, une formation complète en français sur Ableton Live 8, le séquenceur Audio & Midi qui a révolutionné la création musicale MAO de ces dernières années. Que vos attentes relèvent d’une orientation production et composition ou d’une orientation DJ, cet expert répond à toutes vos questions. (17h de formation vidéo). (CETTE FORMATION CONVIENT ÉGALEMENT EN GRANDE PARTIE A L’APPRENTISSAGE DE LIVE INTRO).
Elephorm - Pro Tools 10 TUTORiAL - ORiGiNAL DVD
ORiGiNAL DVD | 1.93 GB
Links update: 23/05/2017
Français | 3h H 59 Min
Formez-vous aux nouveautés de Pro Tools 10 en tutoriel vidéo. A travers des ateliers pratiques concret, cette formation Pro Tools détaille les nouvelles fonctionnalités de cet incontournable logiciel professionel de mixage d'Avid. Laurent Bonnet formateur certifié Avid Pro Tools expert, vous détaille en exemples sonores les nouvelles techniques de ce puissant outil audionumérique, logiciel référence en studio d'enregistrement.
Groove3 Tremor Explained TUTORiAL-SYTHiC4TE
Team SYTHiC4TE | 03 Feb 2013 | 392.52 MB
Links update: 17/01/2018
Feel the earth move when you make your beats with FXpansion's Tremor software drum machine! Eli Krantzberg returns with this smash series, showing you everything there is to know about this awesome drum machine that features powerful synthesis, effects, modulation and step-sequencing.
Sonic Academy Artist Series Tech Tips with The Squatters Vol.1 TUTORiAL-SYTHiC4TE | 388.63 MB
Oliver Portamento and Alex Powell have a passion for music pumping through their veins, from their roles as event organisers to their top level production and unforgettable DJ sets, these two fuse influences from Oldskool retro dance, Hip-Hop vocals and Rave with current genres like House, Electro and Dubstep and whatever else floats their boat. Add into that chopped vocals, colossal breakdowns and you have a true melting pot of anything that they know will lift the roof off!
Groove3 Mastering in the Box Explained TUTORiAL-SYTHiC4TE
Team SYTHiC4TE | 590.46 MB
Links update: 15/01/2024
Everyone who uses a DAW at some point will attempt to "master" their production. Many however, will fail. This new series from studio wiz Michael Costa will show you the basics of mastering in the box using typical plug-ins and how to address many common issues found in recordings, as well as as more advanced techniques to solve other trickier problems.
Rob Papen Secrets Of Subtractive Synthesis - The 4 Element Synth DVDR
DVD1 3.42 GB | DVD2 3.32 GB | DVD3 2.57 GB | DVD4 2.52 GB
Links update: 13/09/2017
Rob Papen is a globally renowned sound designer whose sounds and virtual synthesizers are used and loved by many synthesizer players and music producers.