MassiveSynth The Secrets of Massive TUTORiAL READ NFO-SYNTHiC4TE
Team SYNTHiC4TE | 1.10 GB
Links update: 09/02/2020
Learning Massive Needn't Be Complicated
Massive is one of the flagships of a new generation of wavetable based synthesizers that make it easier than ever to create room-thumping, brain-bleeding sonic blasts. The problem is there are so manyn choices in how to shape sounds even the most experienced producers find it hard to make the best decisions.
MassiveSynth Fundamental Sounds of Dubstep Bass TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE
Team SYNTHiC4TE | 3 April 2012 | 256.57 MB
Links update: 13/09/2017
Learn The Building Blocks of Great Bass
The heart and soul of dubstep is skeleton-shaking bass. Massive is able to create new and innovative basslines limited only by your imagination. One listen to tracks like Flux Pavilion’s "Bass Cannon” or Datsik’s "Swagga” tells you everything you need to know about the range and power of NI Massive.
Check out our guide to Ultimate Edits. Be it reversing an occasional beat or flipping from one riff to another, today you'll hear the incredible editing power inside every DAW in practically every track you hear. Ultimate Edits reveals great new ways to make great new music. Don't miss it.
Alternative uses for distortion explored, vintage compressors and todays ounterparts, Logic Pro, Reason 6 and Ableton Live Workshops, Metropolis engineer Sam Wheat interviewed, the latest reviews, industry news and more. Sibelius 7 Essential Training DVD-iNKiSO
Team iNKiSO | 27.03.12 | 1.04 GB
Links update: 12/06/2017
Sibelius 7 is the complete software for writing, playing, printing, and publishing music notation, and can be used by every kind of musician, from students and teachers to professional composers. In Sibelius 7 Essential Training, author Jenny Amaya shows how to create professional-looking scores, beginning with the basics of note entry and playback. The course explains how to interface with a MIDI keyboard; edit note durations and pitches; and incorporate lyrics, tempo markings, and other text elements. Features specific to version 7, such as 64-bit support, improved sound library, and text and typography enhancements are also covered in detail.
DVD Lernkurs Hands on Wavelab 7 Vol 2-Fortgeschrittene Techniken | 2.38 GB
In this second video dedicated to learning course Wavelab 7, our authors Stefan Schramm and Locker Anatol detail the more advanced functions such as master area, spectral editing, working with multi-track audio installations as well as the creation of audio CDs, DVDs and podcasts. Step by step, taught in the 80 video lessons in addition to the detailed functional descriptions and useful background information - as always in the usual DVD-learning course quality and completely in German!
Suitable for users of:
• All versions of Steinberg Wavelab 7
This course provides you with this learning DVD for PC and Mac:
• Nearly 5 hours of video tutorials
• Razor-sharp video in full resolution
• Integrated lesson descriptions
• Set your bookmarks
• Search function to quickly find desired topics
apple-ipad_klein Incl. iPad version:
This learning course you will also receive a version of the learning rate for the Apple iPad - ideal for the learning on the go!
В этом втором видео, посвященном изучению курса, Wavelab 7, наши авторы Штефан Шрамм и Локер Анатоль детализируют более продвинутые функции, такие как основная область, спектральное редактирование, работающее с многодорожечными аудио установками так же как созданием аудио компакт-дисков, DVD и подкастов. Шаг за шагом, преподававший в 80 видео уроках в дополнение к подробным функциональным описаниям и полезной справочной информации - как всегда в обычном ИЗУЧАЮЩЕМ DVD качестве курса и полностью на немецком языке!
Подходящий для пользователей:
• Все версии Стайнберга Уовелэба 7
Этот курс предоставляет Вам этот DVD изучения для PC и Mac:
• Почти 5 часов видео обучающих программ
• Острое как бритва видео в полном разрешении
• Интегрированные описания урока
• Установите свои закладки
• Функция поиска, чтобы быстро найти желаемые темы
версия iPad apple-ipad_klein Incl.:
Этот курс изучения Вы также получите версию темпа обучения для iPad Apple - идеал для изучения на движении! (use in USA)/ (use in USA)
Computer Music 176 - Kissy Sell Out Producer MasterClass | 2.39 GB
From Computer Music Issue 176, April 2012 DVD
Kissy Sell Out, born Thomas Bisdee on 18 June 1984 in Colchester, Essex, England, is an English DJ, producer and graphic designer. Kissy Sell Out gained notability in 2006 for his eccentric electro productions and energetic DJ style. In 2009 Mixmag described him as "one of the most exciting, charismatic and entertaining DJs of the decade". He presents a BBC Radio 1 show from midnight until 2am on Thursday nights and runs the independent record label San City High in addition to his DJ work. On the 7th of December 2011, the BBC announced that as part of a general shakeup of the dance music schedule, they would be ending The Kissy Sellout Show, with his last broadcast being scheduled for March 30th, 2012
Распродажа Kissy, родившийся Томас Бисди 18 июня 1984 в Колчестере, Эссексе, Англия, является английским ди-джеем, производителем и графическим дизайнером. Распродажа Kissy получила знаменитость в 2006 для его эксцентричного электро-производства и энергичного стиля ди-джея. В 2009 Миксмэг описал его как "одного из самых захватывающих, харизматических и интересных ди-джеев десятилетия". Он представляет Радио Би-би-си 1 шоу с полуночи до 2:00 по четвергам ночью и управляет независимым лейблом звукозаписи San City High в дополнение к его работе ди-джея. 7-ого декабря 2011 Би-би-си объявила, что как часть общей встряски графика танцевальной музыки, они будут заканчивать Шоу Распродажи Kissy с его последней радиопередачей, намечаемой на 30-ое марта 2012 (use in USA)/ (use in USA)
Dance Music Production - Dance Floor [TUTORIAL] | 1.75 GB
Dance Floor, a re-issue of the discontinued initial release from Dance Music Production.
Re-written, restructured and re-released, this course focuses on the methods and production techniques behind writing, engineering and producing a professional white label/funky house record for club play.
This 4-hour video course walks you through the construction and production sequence for creating a funky house record in the style of Daft Punk. Beginning with a blank sequencer and moving through to the final production, the recording software was left running throughout the entire production. This was later edited down to the most important points filling just over four hours for this tutorial.
Split into sessions, this tutorial discusses and shows many of the construction and production ethics used by today's professional dance artists to create 'sampled' funky house. These sessions include what you need to listen for in samples, the inspiration, building ideas, sampling, manipulation, pitching, frequency tuning and editing, introducing vocals, building a dance groove, the use of processing, effects, how to arrange and a quick look at the mixing.
Tutorial Runtime: 4:04:19
Tutorial Contents:
An introduction to the DVD
Session 01: Examples of French House: 15 minutes.
An examination on the sampling behind house music, with various examples of popular tracks and who they sampled.
Session 02: Sample Guidelines: 30 minutes.
A discussion on what to listen out for and what segments are the best to sample, followed by finding a sample to use as the basis for the construction of the track.
Session 03: The House Sample: 25 Minutes.
With a sample chosen in the previous session, we now look at the methods behind time stretching and experiment with effects to produce a good starting point.
Session 04: Vocals: 25 minutes
In this session we go on a search for some vocals that we can add to the track to build its foundation.
Session 05: Programming Drums: 30 Minutes
With the basic ideas down, we now look towards programming a dance rhythm to suit our sample and begin to form the foundation of the record
Session 06: Bass: 25 Minutes
For this session we look at how to program basses for French House and program a bass to suit our sample.
Session 07: Arranging: 30 Minutes
With both bass and drums playing with our samples, we now look towards effects, processing and how we can use these to produce an arrangement
Session 08: Preparing for a Mixdown: 15 Minutes
In this session we work towards a mixdown by performing some general pre-mix duties
Session 09: The Mixdown: 40 Minutes
This session looks at the final mix and follows as we mix the record.
Session 10: Copyright: 10 Minutes
A chat about copyright and the best ways to approach the subject when you want to use a sample for the creation of your own record.
Point Blank Online - EDM (Trance & Progressive) Course in Ableton Live
Course in Ableton Live | 1.06 GB
Links update: 13/04/2023
This course is suitable for Mac or PC users with eclectic music tastes and covers electronic dance music styles Trance, Tech and Progressive. The course features tracks by 3 well-established international producer/DJs: Mike Koglin, Martin Roth and Tempo Giusto supported by Point Blank's own well-respected producer Danny J Lewis.
Computer Music Drum 'n' Bass 2012 Video Tutorial | 2.47 GB
From Computer Music 174 February 2012 DVD
FRICTION, SPECTRASOUL, INTERFACE and ROCKWELL star in massive video-packed guide! Featuring hours of in-studio video, technique-packed walkthroughs and an easy guide to building a DnB tune from scratch. (use in USA)/ (use in USA)
Dance Music Production - Fundamental 2: Bass [TUTORiAL] | 770.05 MB
Fundamental 2 continues our series of tutorials dedicated to the fundamental production techniques that all producers should be fully versed in.
Hot on the heels of the best selling Fundamental, Fundamental 2 continues to discuss groove - this time concentrating on bass. Over 3 hours of video tutorials focus on the theory and practice behind the programming, production and engineering of professional bass lines and rhythms for dance records.
The DVD begins with an introductory course on some music theory, introducing the viewer to the theory behind scales and modes - a requirement for producing bass lines that work. The sessions then move on to cover the principles behind composition, programming, editing, tuning and processing of bass in order to add the all important groove to dance records. This includes techniques used such as compression, trip sampling, frequency splitting, side-chaining, modulation, tuning, keying and synthesizing techniques for different bass timbres.
Tutorial Runtime: 3:20:52
Tutorial Contents:
An introduction to the tutorial
Session 01: Introduction to Scales: 12 minutes.
Using examples, this session shows how the many different musical scales are created and formed
Session 02: Music Modes: 10 minutes.
For this session, we examine how the different modal forms in music are created, from Major to Minor, Dorian to Mixolydian.
Session 03: Groove 1 Timing and Values: 17 Minutes.
Here, using examples, we examine how timing and note values play an important role in the creation of a typical dance music groove.
Session 04: Groove 2 Pitch: 20 minutes
In this session we examine the uses of pitch, the principle of strong and weak notes within a scale and how we can use these to change the feel of the bass line.
Session 05: Modes and Accidents: 20 Minutes
We examine how the use of different modes can affect the feel of the music, and how introducing an accidental can add to the excitement of a dance groove.
Session 06: Extraction: 15 Minutes
This session concentrates on how a bass groove can be extracted from a chord, or series of chords and progressions.
Session 07:Programming and Processing: 30 Minutes
A look at some of the synthesis techniques you can use to program bass timbres, alongside how the use of processors and effects can be used to further augment the dance groove.
Session 08: Bass Timbre Tips and Tricks: 50 Minutes
Various tips and tricks on producing bass timbres for dance music
Session 09: Further Processing: 20 Minutes
A final session giving more tips, tricks and advice on processing bass timbres in dance music.
Computer Music 175 - NAPT Producer Masterclass | 1.33 GB
NAPT are a multi award winning British electronic dance music production and DJ duo consisting of Ashley Pope and Tomek Naden. NAPT's productions fall under the umbrella of their self coined N-Funk sound.