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Tracktion v4.21 x86 x64 READ NFO-CHAOS | 31.20 MB

Tracktion 4 features the same operational characteristics as the original program but with an entirely new audio engine. This progression is intended not only to make T4 compatible with all the latest operating systems, plug-in and controller technology, but also to create a modern platform for further development. TSC is dedicated to the continued evolution of the product.

Tracktion’s simple, single-screen interface puts you in charge. 

Tracktion is the easy way to record individual tracks or a whole band. 

Tracktion puts powerful editing tools right where you need them. 

Tracktion gives you big-time mixing power in a small space. 

Tracktion lets you prepare your music for mass consumption.


Version 4.21 is a Public Beta but also included is the last official version
v4.1.20 which is x86 only



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Category: WiN | Views: 1015 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: NFO-CHAOS, x64, Tracktion, v4.21, READ, x86 | Rating: 0.0/0
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