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Home » WiN » Stillwell Audio Sculpto! v1.00.00 x86 Initial Release-HY2ROGEN

Stillwell Audio Sculpto! v1.00.00 x86 Initial Release-HY2ROGEN | 558.00 KB

Draw Bezier curves over your audio waveform to create envelope shapes to follow or clip to. Clean errors, sharpen transients, or design entirely new sounds. All in real time, with amazingly low CPU use. 

In this release you get the normal VST which loads up in any DAW and also you get the REAPER only VST, just unzip and copy to your VST folder and once againg ENJOY

VST (all hosts version) & (Reaper-only version)



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Category: WiN | Views: 1127 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Audio, v1.00.00, Stillwell, Sculpto!, Initial, Release-HY2ROGEN, x86 | Rating: 0.0/0
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