Home » WiN, Mac OSX » QuikQuak Fusion Field v3.30 Incl. Keygen WiN/MacOSX-R2R
QuikQuak Fusion Field v3.30 Incl. Keygen WiN/MacOSX-R2R | 2.69 MB/3.25 MB
A clean stereo reverb, with an even decay.
* Completely new core engine based on delay free convolution.
* White-noise contruction for perfect diffusion at any sample rate.
* Intuitively linked Decay, Attack and Delay dials.
* Designed to represent many natural spaces, with minimal complexity.
* Cloud display representation for all time and frequency aspects.
This replaces the usually separate envelope and EQ displays with
one concise image, displaying frequency energy over time.
* Fast editing, for that quick grab effect.
* Zero latency.
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Category: WiN, Mac OSX |
Views: 1099 |
Added by: shlyapa
| Tags: Fusion , v3.30 , QuikQuak , Keygen , WiN/MacOSX-R2R , Incl. , Field
| Rating: 0.0 /0