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Home » Sound Libraries » P5Audio - RnB Billboard Bounce Vol.2 Construction Loop Sets [WAV]

P5Audio - RnB Billboard Bounce Vol.2 Construction Loop Sets [WAV]

Old Release | 426.10 MB

'RnB Billboard Bounce Vol 2 Loop Sets' brings the heat with 21 Construction Kits divided into verses, hooks and bridges in the style of R&B hit makers such as Jason Derulo, Iyaz, Trey Songz, Timbaland, Justin Bieber, Usher, Rihanna, Justin Timberlake, and Kanye West. 


• 21 construction loop sets grouped together to make 7 song sets, complete with verses, hooks and bridges, including a total of 235 individual Loops

• Use these loops as a set, or use them on their own. Mix and match however you like!

• 12 of these loop sets contain live grand piano, recorded through Neve® and Avalon® pre-amps, using class A Apogee® analog to digital converters

• Tempos and key signatures are incorporated into the file names

• All loops have been processed using SSL® processing technology. Your tracks will sound the hottest, we guarantee it!

• All loops are Royalty-Free!



For more info:

P5Audio - RnB Billboard Bounce Vol.2 Construction Loop Sets Demo




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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 1157 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Bounce, P5Audio, Sets, vol.2, Billboard, RnB, Loop, construction, wav | Rating: 0.0/0
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