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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Novation Bass Station v2.0 WiN/MacOSX-R2R

Novation Bass Station v2.0 WiN/MacOSX-R2R | 5.25 MB/6.44 MB

Novation launched the original Bass Station in 1993 and it became an instant favourite. Its digital oscillators and analogue filter defined countless dance and electronic hits of the 1990s. Now a classic, its available as a software plug-in that has been carefully modelled to recreate the distinctive analogue-digital character of the original.

New Features:
-Mountain Lion Compatible.
-64-Bit Plug-In types.
-Multi Plug-In type installer.
-New authorization procedure.




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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 1220 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Station, v2.0, Bass, WiN/MacOSX-R2R, Novation | Rating: 0.0/0
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