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Home » WiN » Native Instruments Vari Comp v1.1.1 UPDATE-R2R
Native Instruments Vari Comp v1.1.1 UPDATE-R2R

TEAM R2R | 2014.02.18 | 90.32 MB
Links update: 24/07/2018

The SOLID EQ is a precise 6-band workhorse equalizer ready for anything from subtle shading to aggressive shaping.

Highly-transparent sound for any job
Six powerful bands for detailed sound carving
Runs as a stand-alone plug-in inside any DAW

The SOLID EQ is a versatile, 6-band equalizer and may well become your new favorite EQ plugin. Available separately or as a part of the SOLID MIX SERIES bundle, SOLID EQ delivers instant, transparent results and boasts a clean new interface for dialing up professional sound with total ease. Thanks to a new update, SOLID EQ runs as a stand-alone plug-in inside any DAW – get ready to tweak your tracks to perfection.

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Category: WiN | Views: 1218 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Vari, Native, comp, v1.1.1UPDATE, Instruments | Rating: 0.0/0
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