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Home » WiN » n-Track Studio v7.01 build 3012 x86 x64-tracer

n-Track Studio v7.01 build 3012 x86 x64-tracer | 64.53 MB

Turn your computer into a multitrack music recording studio

n-Track Bridge

Use your 32 plugins and instruments in the 64 bit version of n-Track.
Works with VST, VST3, DirectX (Windows) and AU (Mac) plugins and instruments.
Sandbox plugins or instruments in a separate process: if a plugin crashes n-Track doesn't, and you don't risk losing your work

Seamless looping

No more gaps in audio playback when the song reaches the end of the loop interval, loop a measure and play along

n-Track Drums 2.0

Redesigned user interface, new effects, new library

Lots more

Timeline can now show master, aux, group and instrument channels, avoid to edit envelopes on top of unrelated tracks
Improved compatibility with VST3 and VST2.x plugins. See the Plug-in Compatibility Chart
Quicker, smaller installer, doesn't require to uninstall before reinstalling
nEfx Compressor with side-chain input
nEfx Tube distortion plugin
Many other improvements and bug fixes




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Category: WiN | Views: 1087 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: v7.01, 3012, Studio, build, x64-tracer, n-Track, x86 | Rating: 0.0/0
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