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MathAudio Drawing EQ v1.0.1-R2R | 6.04 MB

MathAudio Drawing EQ effect plug-in: Allows drawing the necessary frequency response by a single movement of the mouse.Ensures more freedom for experimenting with different curve shapes than conventional spline equalizers. Allows working with a chosen frequency band without affecting neighboring frequency bands. Permits both simultaneous and independent editing of the stereo channels.

Operates either in minimum phase (zero latency) mode, or in linear phase mode.
Includes a real-time Spectrum Analyzer.
Supports Undo and Redo operations.
Changes the frequency response in a wide range of +/- 20 dB.
Applies 64-bit signal path throughout.
Adapted to all sampling rates above 40 kHz.
Includes a clipping indicator and a volume control.

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Category: WiN | Views: 1060 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: MathAudio, Drawing, v1.0.1-R2R, EQ | Rating: 0.0/0
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