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Home » Tutorial » MacProVideo Sibelius 7 103 Jazz Quintet Project TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

MacProVideo Sibelius 7 103 Jazz Quintet Project TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE | 872.52 MB

Explore the art of notating jazz charts. See the notational power of Avid’s Sibelius 7 with renowned composer/arranger Thomas Goss...

In the third course of this 5-part series, Sibelius 7 Master Thomas Goss tackles jazz, with its intricate melodies, special articulations and chord notations. In this course, hipster Goss has arranged an original jazz quintet to help you on your way to becoming a jazz notation ninja.

First you’ll listen to and study his 2-part composition. Then you’ll dive right in as he guides you through the various levels of jazz notation. You’ll learn notes and chords, dynamics and phrasing, text expressions, and inputting complex chord symbols. You’ll also get some neat notation tricks to help you with tempo changes and instrument changes in Sibelius.

Download the project files! These custom files contain 4 mini projects to get you some more practice copying music for drums and bass and inputting hip chord symbols!




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Category: Tutorial | Views: 973 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: TUTORIAL-SYNTHiC4TE, 103, Quintet, project, Jazz, Sibelius, MacProVideo | Rating: 0.0/0
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