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Home » Tutorial » MacProVideo - Reason 6 204: Pulverizer [TUTORiAL]

MacProVideo - Reason 6 204: Pulverizer [TUTORiAL] | 160.63 MB

Squash it. Smash it! Make it dirty and shake it up! That sounds like Pulverisor –the new FX plugin from the mad scientists at Propellerhead. Let GW Childs show you how to totally PULVERIZE your Reason 6 tracks...

Dirty is the new clean. That’s exactly what Pulveriser does: It turns your cleanest, most pristine audio into the baddest, most messed up awesome audio junk you’ve ever heard.

GW Childs, our MPV audio mangling maestro, shows you his patented, pulverizing techniques in this workflow-based, 20-video tutorial. You’ll learn everything about Pulveriser and how to use it in your productions as GW systematically smashes his way through his own Pulverser laden project.

So join GW and see how you can Pulverise you projects to perfection!





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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1094 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Pulverizer, tutorial, Reason, MacProVideo, 204: | Rating: 0.0/0
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