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Home » Tutorial » macProVideo - Native Instruments 202: Studio Drummer Explored [TUTORiAL]

macProVideo - Native Instruments 202: Studio Drummer Explored [TUTORiAL] | 231.82 MB

Learn the upbeats and downbeats of NI’s cool studio drum machine in this "crash” course from the talented music producer and macProVideo.com trainer, Toby Pitman...

Studio Drummer is a rockin’ drum machine! Join Toby Pitman as he shows you everything from it’s GUI to some awesome programming tips that will make your drums tracks rock!

This tutorial starts out with up-close look at the Kit, Mixer, Grooves and Options window where all the programing magic happens. Next, there’s a deep dive into the Session, Stadium and Garage kits that explains all the cool sounds, articulations and multi-samples. Next, Toby "kicks” it up a level with a detailed look at the mixer with it’s insert effects and reverbs. You’ll learn how to create and save Instruments, Channel settings and Mixer presets.

From the you’ll explore Studio Drummer’s flexible output section. You’ll learn about the Bus Architecture, Output Assignments. There’s even an informative video on creating Stems. In the next section,Toby gives up some of his secret drum articulation tips to help you create more realistic snare, hat and Cymbal tracks! And, if that wasn’t enough, there’s even a cool video on integrating Studio Drummer with Maschine!

So watch this awesome tutorial by Toby Pitman and explore all of macProVideo’s extensive and ever-growing library of Native Instruments tutorials. We love NI’s awesome instruments!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1251 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: 202:, Studio, tutorial, Instruments, Explored, MacProVideo, Drummer, Native | Rating: 0.0/0
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