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Home » Mac OSX » FXpansion Bloom v1.0.0.5 MAC OSX-Xdb

FXpansion Bloom v1.0.0.5 MAC OSX-Xdb | 15.20 MB

Creative delay and diffusion effect

FXpansion is proud to present Bloom, a creative delay effect plugin with additional diffusion network, effects, advanced modulation and much more. Bloom's varied delay modes and lush diffusion reverb instantly introduce new textures and spaces to your productions. Dig a little deeper to discover new ways of using delay for sound design.

At Bloom's core is a stereo delay line switchable between analogue BBD, tape and digital models, with a lush diffusion reverb algorithm providing stunning spaciousness and dimension. With 3 switchable routings for the diffusor and the effect section containing filtering, chorus, frequency shifting and more, an extremely wide variety of effects are possible. Other highlights include reverse, ping-pong and freeze functions.

Bloom's TransMod modulation system lets you modulate almost all its parameters with a variety of sources - built-in step-sequencers, LFOs, envelope follower and more. Additional MIDI-derived sources let you change the delay time per note or vary the feedback amount with note velocity. The plugin also includes an internal MIDI learn system for tweaking parameters live, turning Bloom into a versatile performance effect.


- Creative delay and diffusion effect plugin
- Digital, Analogue BBD and Tape emulations
- Syncable, reverse, ping-pong and freeze delay modes
- Diffusion reverb, additional effects, EQ, drive and saturation
- Flexible routing for processing blocks
- 2x oversampling with 4x Hi Def mode for extremely high quality
- TransMod modulation with step-sequencers, LFOs and more
- Comprehensive MIDI control
- 32-bit and 64-bit support

System Requirements:
MAC OSX 10.6.2 and above (Mac) VST, AU or RTAS host/DAW Intel Core 2 Duo 2.53ghz 
(minimum) 2GB DDR2 RAM (minimum) Intel i5 2310 2.9ghz and higher (recommended) 2GB 
DDR3 RAM (recommended)



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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 1096 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: OSX-Xdb, v1.0.0.5, FXPansion, Bloom, Mac | Rating: 0.0/0
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