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Home » WiN » Zynaptiq UNVEIL v1.5.0-R2R
Zynaptiq UNVEIL v1.5.0-R2R
Team R2R | 28.03.2013 | 13.59 MB
Links update: 07/12/2015
UNVEIL is a real-time, de-mixing based plug-in that allows attenuating or boosting reverb components within a mixed signal of any channel count, including mono sources, as well as modifying reverb characteristics.
 Additionally, UNVEIL allows you to bring the key features of a recording into focus, or move them to the background, by attenuating or boosting perceptionally less important signal components. Based on our proprietary, artificial intelligence based MAP (Mixed-Signal Audio Processing) technology, UNVEIL allows fixing previously unusable location audio and dialog, tightening up live music recordings, removing reverb and "mud” from musical signals, as well as creative sound design.

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Category: WiN | Views: 1618 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: v1.5.0-R2R, UNVEIL, Zynaptiq | Rating: 0.0/0
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