zplane vielklang Instant Harmony v2.4.3 CE
Team V.R | 27 MB
vielklang Instant Harmony generates harmonies with 2-4 voices. It is packed with musical intelligence and music theory: it detects the best fitting harmonies for each individual input melody, and automatically synthesizes up to four voices with the voices not merely running in parallel but with their voicings selected to sound most natural (voice leading).
•2/3/4-voice harmony
•voice leading rules
•chord menu
•Audio and MIDI file harmonization
•MIDI input harmonization
•Mixer (pan, volume)
•simple note adjustment (pitch/length)
•advanced pitch editing
•vibrato/tremolo editing
•View: Arranger
•View: Piano Roll
•View: Hybrid Score
•Export mixdown (audio, MIDI)
•Export single voices (audio, MIDI)
•Import multiple files
•Multitrack output
•Snapshots and MIDI triggers
zplane releases version 2.4.3 of the harmony plugin vielklang Instant Harmony V2.
(all) fixed : crash when original audio file couldn't be loaded
(all) fixed : chords couldn't be changed or reverted unexpectedly
vielklang Instant Harmony V2.4.3 is available for AXX , VST (Mac OS X, Windows) and Audio Units. For all registered users, the online update to version 2.4.3 is free of charge!
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