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Zenhiser EDM Floorshakers WAV

WAV | 1.95 GB

Holy guacamole! EDM Floorshakers is the new ultimate stem toolkit, designed to blow the cob webs off your equipment and rattle the neighbours wall hangings. Containing a huge selection of melodies, hooks and drops this EDM sample library has everything you need to mould, shape and master your next track. The uplflifting and gritty collection is packed with 10 chart topping tracks, split into individual stems encasing musical success. By delivering each track in multiple parts you’ll be able to decide just how much Zenhiser ingredients is needed for your EDM cake.

Squeezed inside this EDM hit maker is enough punch and drive to power festivals for hours on end. Epic builds up, ear smashing basslines, devastating hooks, spine tingling melodies and all things extraordinary line the walls of this monstrous collection. Unzipped the EDM sample library unleashes 4.6GB of production power, so trust us when we say, you’ll be making EDM bangers for weeks on end.

All EDM stems are 100% royalty free and available for download in 24-Bit Wav. Bpm range is 126 - 128bpm with all noted samples and loops containing key information within the file name. Rest assured Zenhiser has you covered with this tremendous pack!

10 EDM Tracks - 116 stems (including basslines, arms, pads, leads, drum loops, fx & full mix stems)

•Files - Audio: 116
•Info - Key: Yes
•Info - Bpm: 126 - 128bpm

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 277 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: EDM, Zenhiser, wav, Floorshakers | Rating: 0.0/0
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