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Home » Sound Libraries » Zenhiser 80’s Electro Beats WAV
Zenhiser 80’s Electro Beats WAV

WAV | 516 MB

We're always expanding our 80's drum catalogue and 80's Electro Beats is a killer addition the set.

80's Electro Beats is a homage to the 80's electro sound and takes it's roots from the classic Streetsounds Electro era. Using loads of elements from the eighties decade and fusing them with today's electric style has given born to an incredible array of 80's drum beats that not only captures that classic 80's sound but brings these amazing 80's beats inline with the high end productions skills of today.

Recorded in 24 bit 44.1 khz wav goodness the quality of these 80's drum loops is second to none, and as usual these 80's beats are exclusive to Zenhiser and ready for instant use after purchase.

We pride ourselves here at Zenhiser on bringing you extremely high quality sample packs at a great price and 80's Electro Beats definitely doesn't break the trend. These 80's drum beats crunch, swing and groove at all the right places, they deliver all the elements from 80's Electro and blast them into the future.

Can you really pass up on 80's electro beats that are this good???


•Files - Audio: 165
•Type - Audio: 24-Bit 44.1-Khz
•Info - Key: No
•Info - Bpm: Yes

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 290 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, Zenhiser, 80’s, Electro, Beats | Rating: 0.0/0
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