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Home » Sound Libraries » York Audio VX15 112 BLUE WAV
York Audio VX15 112 BLUE WAV

WAV | 23 MB

The York Audio VX15 112 Blue Cab Pack is based on a Vox™ Handwired AC15 combo loaded with an English made Celestion™ Alnico Blue Speaker. The tone is heavenly with a warm low end, iconic vocal like Alnico Blue midrange, and a top end that chimes with clarity and definition. This pack was made with York Audio’s signature “ear-tuned” captures and multi-mic mixes that play particularly well with Class-A type amps/models.

Mics Included in this Cab Pack:
Shure SM57
Shure SM58
Sennheiser MD421 (vintage)
Sennheiser e906
Shure SM7b
Royer R-121
Shure KSM 313
Beyerdynamic M160
Neumann FET 47 (vintage)

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 303 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Audio, Blue, VX15, york, 112, wav | Rating: 0.0/0
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