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Home » Mac OSX » XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2 Update v2.2.4 [U2B] macOS
XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2 Update v2.2.4 [U2B] macOS

macOS | 243.1 MB
Links update: 14/05/2024

Experience real drums played by real drummers in your music.

Every drum kit is recorded in world-class studios by industry professionals and amazing drummers to give you professional sonic options and creative control.

Where do you start?
To get the most out of Addictive Drums 2 you always start with one of our Collections.

A Collection is a bundle of ADpaks (drum kits), MIDIpaks (beats) and Kitpiece Paks (single drums) put together to give you the best possible drum production experience.
Please, read carefully the text file.

Sorry, I mean "ADBV0002" in the text file which is in the "/Library/Application Support/XLN Audio/Addictive Drums 2/App" folder.

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 394 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Drums, Audio, U2B, XLN, MacOS, Addictive, Update, v2.2.4 | Rating: 0.0/0
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