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Home » WiN » XILS lab Le Masque Delay v1.1.2 VST x86 WiN
XILS lab Le Masque Delay v1.1.2 VST x86 WiN
VST x86 WiN | 11.97 MB
Links update: 27/07/2017
Le Masque :Delay lets you specify in a very accurate way which part or
parts of the dry signal will be processed by the Delay unit and its
components and modulators.
The Masked zones of the grid are processed by the Delay Unit, while all the
audio data outside of the Masks remain unchanged.
The Grid is synced to your Daw, or to its internal clock. 
AudioUnit, RTAS, VST : Mono to Stereo available
AudioUnit, RTAS, VST : Mono to Mono crash fixed
Wrong installation on windows 7 for some users: fixed
All credit to Team ASSiGN
Patched using the ASSiGN method




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Category: WiN | Views: 1033 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Le Masque Delay, delay, XILS lab | Rating: 0.0/0
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