Home » WiN » WOK - The Backpack Bundle - HY2ROG3N
WOK - The Backpack Bundle - HY2ROG3N WIN: x86 ONLY | RAR SIZE: 6.63 MB | EXTRACTED RAR SIZE: 20.0 MB All of WOK’s fx plugins for reverse audio effects in one pack! Instaback is an instant audio reverse sound effect faker. Great for live use, it simulates the effect of a backwards played audio track on the fly. Backplayer is the true brother of Instaback; it really reverses audio that is fed into it by the press of a button - up to 2 bars (8/4 beats). Refo-D, the reverse-forward delay. A delay/echo effect that can be switched to produce fw-rev alternating echos. Host synced. Tapebrake. Does not reverse the audio, but simulates the spindown of a tape or disc player. HOME PAGE DOWNLOAD: http://ul.to/zie45top
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Category: WiN |
Views: 1304 |
Added by: Hellcat
| Tags: Backpack , the , HY2ROG3N , WOK , bundle
| Rating: 0.0 /0