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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » WavSupply Vvspipes Septic Pipes (Serum Bank)
WavSupply Vvspipes Septic Pipes (Serum Bank)

presets, patches, impulses | 352 MB
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75 ready to use Serum presets made by Internet Money’s vvspipes. Sound design was inspired by Uzi, Yeat, Gunna, Thug, Ken Carson. Along with the presets there are 18 noises and 52 wavetables.

The Serum presets were all made into one shots for those who do not have Serum. Must have the most recent update of Serum to use these presents.

•20 Loops
•10 Midis

Serum Bank (Also In One Shot Format)

•3 Bass
•8 Bells
•9 Keys
•18 Leads
•4 Mallets
•4 Pads
•15 Plucks
•2 Sequences
•3 Strings
•9 Synths

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 499 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Pipes, WavSupply, vvspipes, (Serum, Septic, Bank) | Rating: 0.0/0
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