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Home » Sound Libraries » WavSupply Isaiah Valmont Melodies From Heaven Vol. II (Loop Kit) MP3
WavSupply Isaiah Valmont Melodies From Heaven Vol. II (Loop Kit) MP3

MP3 | 165 MB

VOL. II is here! Zay’s “Melodies from Heaven VOL. II” kit contains 53 handcrafted loops. The kit differs from its predecessors taking a soulful approach to create piano melodies. In addition to soulful piano melodies, the kit includes melodies that would work for any of your favorite artists using synthesizers and authentic piano sounds. All loops were created with real hardware instruments to provide a more authentic tone we just can’t get from VSTs all the time. All loops are labeled with their corresponding keys and BPMs. Enjoy!

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 315 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: heaven, Valmont, Isaiah, From, WavSupply, (Loop, II, mp3, Vol., Melodies, Kit) | Rating: 0.0/0
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