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Home » Mac OSX » Waves Vitamin Sonic Enhancer AU VST RTAS Mac OSX
Waves Vitamin Sonic Enhancer AU VST RTAS Mac OSX

MAC OSX | 4.42 MB
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Waves Vitamin is a multiband harmonic enhancer and tone-shaping plugin that can make any track sound powerful and full of spark by mixing an enriched version with the original signal.

With its zero-latency processing, Vitamin caters to studio and live mix engineers alike. Used as an insert on any track or buss, Vitamin instantly delivers a warm, vital result that is comparable to what you would get from a parallel chain of EQ, compression and saturation processors, but without the hassle.

Vitamin’s controls are intuitive, easy to use and immediately responsive, letting you smooth or accentuate punchiness and dynamics, determine the crossover frequency points between the plugin's five bands, and control the mix of the direct signal with its enhanced version. To top it all off, when Vitamin is in stereo mode, each band has a width control that lets you create wider sound images or make room for a vocal right in front of the mix – a great tool for mastering.

Whether used on vocals, guitars, synths, drums or an entire mix, Vitamin opens up the sound in a way that truly complements and enhances the original signal, ensuring your tracks get the nutrients they need.

- Parallel multiband harmonic enhancer with five individual bands
- Control over the crossover frequency points between bands
- Control over the mix of the direct signal with the enhanced version
- Per-band stereo width control
- Punch control for smoothing or accentuating punchiness and dynamics
- Zero-latency processing


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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 2610 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: VST, Sonic, RTAS, waves, Enhancer, osx, Vitamin, AU, Mac | Rating: 0.0/0
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