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Home » WiN » WavePurity Professional 7.98 Retail
WavePurity Professional 7.98 Retail

P2P / Key-DOA | 11.8 MB

WavePurity’s digital filters can eliminate interfering crackling and noise from your old recordings. You will have reconditioned high-quality music titles of almost CD quality. WavePurity can revise automatically an entire part of a record by detecting the titles and editing wave files. They are ready now for burning on a CD. Wave Purity is easy in handling and an excellent shareware. WavePurity includes powerful tools, editors and filters for editing audio files. It supports the data formats WAV and MP3.

* Audio replay, audio recorder
* Comfortable audio editor
* Numerous digital filters for editing, noise elimination, and error correction
* Real-time frequency display (spectrum with FFT)
* Real-time oscilloscope that can be triggered
* Real-time software equalizer
* Song list management
* Track processor for automatic, overnight batch processing
* Signal generators and wobble generator for frequency response measurement
* Audio CD burn module in the professional version

Audio file formats:
* Microsoft RIFF PCM (WAV)
* Microsoft RIFF ACM (WAV) – (Audio Compression Manager)
* Microsoft AVI Video (AVI) – (Audio Track Import)
* MPEG audio Layer III (MP3)
* WavePurity PCM or 4.Bit-ADPCM (WPU)
* Additional audio formats as plug-ins are available – (Professional Version)

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Category: WiN | Views: 593 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Professional, 7.98, retail, WavePurity | Rating: 0.0/0
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