Waldorf Streichfett v1.0.0 iNTERNAL
The sound engine of the legendary Waldorf Streichfett hardware is now available as a plug-in for your DAW, fat sound for a very affordable price supporting all common formats (VST3, VST2, AU, AAX).
streichfett soft 400x215The clearly structured user interface offers direct access to all important sound shaping parameters. Making and playing music is the main focus here. With a few clicks, drastic sound changes are easily made and can be saved as your favourite presets.
The UI is continuously scalable. Whether you use a 5K monitor or the FHD screen of your laptop, whether viewing in full size or as a small status display – the plug-in always remains in focus.
The Streichfett takes you back to the days of the legendary String Machines. In the old days, there was no choice – to create a massive wall of sound, you simply needed a String Machine.
These keyboard instruments mastered sound layering perfectly long before the advent of polyphonic synthesizers.